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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Stepping Into Heaven

So, to live is to die and to die is to live. That about sums it up. From the moment we are conceived our body begins aging non stop. Then we die. Well our body dies anyways but not our souls and spirits where our memories, thoughts and feelings are.
So to die on earth just means our bodies are gone but our spirits/souls live on, but where? Where do our spirits/souls go to live? It most certainly ain't at Walmart or on our cell phones where we put so much value in material things. So once again I ask where do our souls/spirits go when our body dies?
Well that is simple.
What?! You don't think it is simple?
Well I suppose it isn't easy for some by their own choice because they wanna tack all sorts of rules and regulations onto saying absurd things like "well, she is going to Heaven because she did.............." Or " one time he said.........."
Well big deal get over what others say and do and just worry about yourself and stop pointing that finger of blame.
So, is it easy to know where our souls/spirits will be when our bodies give out?
Well duh, Heaven or hell that's where.
What's that? You say that Heaven and hell is an old uneducated old concept? Well then by all means go ahead and feel that way. After all it's your soul and spirit so just let it go and see what happens. Good luck with all that.
Anyways the simple answer to the question of how we get to Heaven is Jesus. So what do we do with Jesus in order to get to Heaven?
Do we live with all sorts of rules like how we should dress, what music do we listen to, what holiday do we part take in................the list goes on.........................and on...............and on. And it's all a bunch of man made rules not Jesus's rules. It's all crap. If you enjoy crap then live like crap.
But what if your crap is wrong? Or what if your scientific believes are wrong?
You have the right to be wrong.
And I have the right to choose where I want my soul/spirit to be and it ain't in hell that's for sure. I'm not into that, suffering is not my idea of joy and fun. Is it yours?
Do you like living life with little hope and loads of guilt? It seems like lots of people like living that way since so many choose to. Well I don't wanna.
So, I grabbed my one way free ticket to Heaven and I ain't letting go! My Ticket doesn't have a departure time on it so I'm not sure when I will go. But when I do go I'm gone and outta here!
Since Sunday my Dad has been standing in between the two worlds of life on earth living in a body and life living in just our spirits. Soon he will leave his body and take off for his Home. He made his choice many decades ago and he ain't letting go of that beloved Ticket we call Jesus. Is her perfect and has he made all good choices? Nope. And either have you or me but so what because our Ticket never expires.
I sit here by my Dad's deathbed comforted by his breathing. I stayed awake for 38 hours until I started turning forgetful and wore out. Then I slept well, so well at a near by hotel. While at the hotel I could still hear my Dad's breathing all night. I normally tend to "see" special things like that but this time I am hearing the special things even when I'm not at the location of the origin of the sound.
I'm glad.
I love my Dad.
I'm not abandoning him.
I shower, use the bathroom and last night I got to sleep, but other then that I'm not casting him aside.
He is my Dad.
He is stepping into Heaven.

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