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Wednesday, November 02, 2016

I Am Free!

It's been over a year since I posted on here. Time has went fast!

Parental Alienation Syndrome, as diagnosed by the court appointed child advocate group, caused my kids to be kept from me. But over time my oldest saw the truth and fought her way back to me.

Our relationship is even better now. It's like we were never separated. Our relationship is strong and resides with true unconditional love. What parental alienation syndrome tried to do is brainwash my kids against me and my family, but it backfired and instead made our relationship stronger.

We laugh and laugh. We treat each other with respect and she and I watch out for each other helping one another. She is beautiful and amazing. People often remark how she looks like me and I look like my Mom.

Speaking of my Mom she is loving having my daughter back in our lives as are other family members and friends. It's all so beautiful and from the Lord. Only He could have made this work out so well and I thank Him for that.

Many people don't understand why I don't pray that the one who caused the parental alienation syndrome be cursed and die. But I can't pray that. I don't wanna be hateful like that. I have the right to be very angry, bitter and nasty, but I just can't be. It's just not in my nature I guess. Instead I pray he finds true unconditional love from the Lord, and healing in his dark soul. If he continues to behave mean then it be on his own head and is out of my control. All I can do is pray for him.

I'm enjoying being single. This freedom is great. I'm no longer controlled or emotionally/verbally/mentally/psychologically/financially abused and lied to. I am no longer neglected and treated like I am a burden. I am free! I am no longer being shoved around and choked. I. Am. Free!!!!!!! I am no longer having to fake like all is OK when in reality it wasn't. I am no longer unwanted. I now matter!

It's great being free of all that and being single. Yes I wished that in some way somehow things could have worked out for the sake of the kids but it didn't and now  I am a divorcee and I'm OK with that. I am free! There have been several guys who have wanted to date me and I went out on a date with a few of the guys but never got serious with any of them. I just don't wanna be tied down right now.

I have 4 best friends and 3 of them are guys whom I trust and love as my buddies and they love me as their friend. We have good times together and my daughter likes them too. The one lives to far away now but we at least still get to talk via phone and internet.

More blessings and good changes are coming my way. I know it for sure but I'm not speaking of it just yet ;)
I thank the Lord for my many blessings.

Am I perfect? Well of course not. I've made my share of bad choices and sins but I am still deeply loved and forgiven.