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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Unconditional Friends Lift Me Up

I love the new and renewed friends that keep coming into my life.

I was bumming pretty bad a few days ago when I walked out of an appointment, my friend just happened to be walking outside  across the street when she saw me and yelled for me. I was planning on going home to mope but my dear friend and her always giggling personalility brought me back to life.

This happens alot.

As I ponder on my life I often have wondered why I wasnt good enough to be treated nicely in my marriage? There were good times, it wasnt all bad.

I wasnt perfect either,no one is, but was I so bad that I deserved to be ignored, neglected, choked and yelled at?


I am not derserving of such treatment no matter what I may have ever said or did throughout my life. That was not unconditional love.

I am loved by many and Im thankful for that! It is healing to me. I am finally meeting friends who love me no matter what unconditionally with no conditions asked and no strings attached!

I am so greatful for my many friends. I keep meeting more and more and I love them. I see their heart and I think they see mine.

I love the word unconditional. It means that you love someone with no strings attached, you love them no matter what they have said or did. You choose to love them no matter what, that doesnt mean you let them walk all over you but unconditional means "no matter what". Its the love Jesus had/has.

Dogs understand and display unconditional love all the time. It's rather sad that dogs can understand real love better then we humans can. Why cant we grasp it and live by it?

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Christian Witchcraft

Christian witchcraft sounds like an odd title doesn't it?

Christianity and witchcraft are nothing alike and clash each other, but for whatever reason the past few years I have been hearing and seeing more and more Christians fall into a mindset that they have special "powers" because they are some kind of special prophet/prophetess. Im not quit sure where this mindset is coming from but it is a disturbing one. Thankfully it isn't too awfully common yet.

I believe that each person is gifted in their own special way. Some sing well, some write, some teach, some preach, some help and then some have the lesser known gifts like dreams, visions and other gifts we falsely call "supernatural".

Whatever gift we have been given it is our unique special gift intertwined with our one of a kind personalities making each and every person a special one of a kind individual. No person's gift is better then another's. We should never use our gifts to try and rule over, control and change others.

This past about 1 1/2 years I have personally been attacked by a few so called Christians who use their "powers" AKA witchcrafts to control others and or impress others with their better-then-yours-gifts. I've  heard/read people say things like "God told me to tell you......." "God doesn't want you to do..."  "God is angry at you and will punish you if you don't
 do what I say...." One even went as far as to say that I should be turned over to satan for not doing what she said, Boy that's really displaying true Godly unconditional love right there(sarcasm). I have been falsely accused and told I am not a Christian if I don't repent of something I didn't do and come clean to the prophetess. She went as far as to harass my kids in the name of giving them council. She lied to me then said it was needed in  order to do God's will. She never bothered to call and talk to me but she sure called and bothered others about me. She insulted and harassed my pastor and some family members even going as far as to argue with one of my underage relatives telling them  all how wrong they are. The lady had not even been around to witness the truth but was taking the word of someone she thought was honest. Obviously her gifts aren't so special if she cant get the facts straight. She was attacking me all while supporting my husband  who was living in sin with the woman he had an affair with when we were still together. That's a special sort of crazy right there,  whew. The woman even went as far as to try and get my friends to stop talking to me and if they didn't God would not bless them. Oy vey, it a strange admixture of witchcraft,legalism and nuttiness hell bent on evil.

I dont understand her or others like her. You'd think that if they are so supremely gifted that they wouldn't be so wrong. If one really knew my situation and saw first hand they would know that the gossip and rumors are lies from hell and they are just pawns in the hands of the demonic world.

I have heard/read where these so called prophets and prophetesses are given spiritual authority over others making themselves be the judge in place of God as they condemn their victim if the victim doesn't fall for their words. They have thrown their so called special gifts around so much that people
tend to eventually shy away from them thinking they are nuts. They have made Christianity out to be a real joke full of hyper critical unloving crazies. It has made me back away from church but I should not have allowed it to. I just can no longer trust it when people give me messages from God telling me what to do and how I should live. God will tell me Himself.

Many, not all, of these so called modern prophets and prophetesses use witchcraft either knowingly or unknowingly to try and tell people how to live and control others. It is spiritual legalism that runs as far from Godly unconditional love as can be. Don't let anyone spiritually control you. Seek God yourself and find what He wants not what some human says He wants. Seek the truth yourself. Act in true unconditional love.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

She's Such A Slut!

 She's a nasty slut!

Whenever I hear that about someone I wonder what the supposed "slut's" story is. There's always a story, and normally it's an understandable one. But you can only have any unconditional understanding if you choose to feel, see and hear her story via the eyes, hears and heart of a once hurt now healing soul.

There will always be people who freely choose to get around displaying little self respect or morals. That's just the way it is regardless if it's right or wrong.

But from my experience via meeting and getting to know people of all walks of life most of the ladies society calls sluts are in fact actually very hurting, abused jaded women who haven't been truly loved enough or given opportunities to heal from the inner pain they suffer from.

Many of these women were sexually abused as children only given attention when they got abused. Some were verbally abused and made to feel as low as a worm. Some were raised without a father or raised with bad father's, there for she longs for male attention but gets it in the wrong way. We all know that there are plenty of men who are more then happy to be the one she gets "attention" from.
 Some are codependent, normally stemming from childhood neglect or other forms of abuse, making her desperate to feel loved, wanted, desired and as if she is worthy but sadly her dysfunctional intense need to feel good about herself leads to one abusive relationship after another which further causes more emotional sickness within her hurting soul. It's a Visio is cycle.

Abusive men pick those women out knowing how to use her desperation for their own personal gain.

In attempt to find the right man to take away her pain she goes from one guy to another to another......

Often all she may want is unconditional non sexual human touch, or to be held. The lack of human touch is a huge contributor to her reputation. She needs a hug or pat on the back which, believe it or not, is harder to find then sex is.

So, the next time you find yourself calling someone a slut consider my words or better yet her heart.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Busting Bones - Cancer At Its Finest

I spent the entire day with my friend yesterday at the cancer clinic.

Hurry and wait.

Take this test, and then wait.

Wait for the insurance company to hurry and give a verdict letting you know you can have treatment or not. Or wait for them to deny the must needed pain medication.

My friend has bone cancer. She has tiny tumors INSIDE of her bones growing so big they are literally busting her bones up fracturing them then later on breaking them.

Her pain is unbelievable.

Her misery is heart wrenching.

All cancer is evil, but bone cancer seems to be particularly awful.

Busting, cracking breaking bones.

May she be comforted.

May she be healed.

May The Lord have mercy on her.